Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Goals

2010 was a very interesting year... I am not going to lie 2010 was not my favorite year. I know I have much to be thankful for and I did a lot of great things...
1. I fell in love
2. I made new friends
3. I moved into my first apartment
4. I started using my check book
5. I went to New York
6. I went on a road trip to San Francisco
7. I found out my brother was going to be a dad
8. I found out my sister is going to have another girl (in 2011!) !
9. I made a turkey
10. I went skinny dipping
11. my cousin got married
But I am ready to put 2010 behind me and move into 2011 with new dreams, new adventures, and new self goals. Here is my list.. I might add to this over the next 12 months and I will blog about doing all these things! Get excited blog followers (if your out there) because 2011 is going to be a great year!

1. I want to be a better friend
2. A better listener
3. More understanding towards people
4. Be more active... Go on hikes, run outside, climb half dome ect.
4.I want to finish at least 5 books this year.
6. Go to the Grand Canyon
7. Go to Yosemite National Park
8. I want to go Surfing
9. Get an internship
10. I want to write all my recipes down and make my own cook book
11. Take a cooking class
12.Go to hawaii
13. get nothing lower then a B- on my report card
14. Drink more water
15. Visit another country
16. Have dinner with a famous person

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