Friday, August 5, 2011

Peach and Tomato Salad

Alright well I first heard about this recipe from a blog called Cupcakes and Cashmere, but she originally heard it from Mark Bittman's 101 simple salads. You guys this salad is amazing! and to prove it heres a quote from ryan, "This is the best thing I have eaten in over a month; that includes the things we ate in hawaii, home, and NYC" Let me tell you guys that thats a huge compliment when it comes to ryan. So you guys have to try it.

Here is what you will need (buy ingredients according to how many you are serving)
  • peaches
  • red onions- thinly sliced
  • Tomatos- make sure they are ripe!
  • Avocado
  • cilantro
  • lemon juice (1 lemon will do the trick; 1-3 ratio)
  • Olive oil (3-1 ratio)

Cut the peaches and tomatoes and add to bowl
Thin slices of onion makes for a perfect salad (then add to bowl, along with minced cilantro)
Heres a little trick you might not know. To get the most juice out of your lemons roll them first
The dressing is the hardest part. I had about 1/4 cup of lemon juice so I added 1/2 cup olive oil (3:1 ratio). Add salt before the olive oil because once you add the olive oil the salt will not mix properly. When adding the olive oil make she you add a little bit at a time and continue mixing through out this process (the continual mixing is the most important part). When you stop mixing you don't want to see the olive oil on top.

I added the avocados last because I did not want them to go brown

The beautiful/yummy/amazing/I cant wait to make it again, Peach and Tomato Salad

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